search by image, recursively
starting with a transparent png (400×225px), 2951 images, 12fps
december 9th, 2011, netherlands
similar images, associatively
starting with a transparent “spacer” gif (50×50px), 677 images, 12fps
december 1st, 2011, netherlands
search by image, frame by frame
source video: most popular video on youporn (excerpt), 1858 different images, 2880 frames
24fps december 28th, 2011, germany
search by image, recursively
starting with a photo of myself, 351 images, 12fps
december 28th, 2011, germany
search by image, recursively
starting with a search result for “earth”, 391 images, 12fps
december 11th, 2011, netherlands
Search by Image
2011–ongoing, Series of algorithmic videos